Interface XenqttApplication

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface XenqttApplication

Specifies a type that implements a Xenqtt application. A Xenqtt application is an application that can be invoked via the command-line by the user.

Method Summary
 String getUsageText()
          Get usage text to display to the user.
 void start(ApplicationArguments arguments)
          Start the application.
 void stop()
          Stop the application.

Method Detail


void start(ApplicationArguments arguments)
Start the application. This method is called by the main thread that is used in launching Xenqtt.

arguments - The arguments that were supplied. This includes both normal arguments (e.g. -p port) and flags (e.g. -a)


void stop()
Stop the application. This method is called once the application is halted normally (e.g. CTRL-c). The application should take all appropriate shutdown actions at this point. This is called by the main thread that is used in launching Xenqtt


String getUsageText()
Get usage text to display to the user. This is used whenever the user invokes the help option (java -jar xenqtt.jar --help application) or if the user supplies invalid arguments and/or flags to a specific application.

The usage text to display

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