Class ProgressiveReconnectionStrategy

  extended by net.sf.xenqtt.client.ProgressiveReconnectionStrategy
All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, ReconnectionStrategy

public final class ProgressiveReconnectionStrategy
extends Object
implements ReconnectionStrategy

A ReconnectionStrategy implementation that allows for progressive reconnection attempts to the broker. Reconnect attempts begin at an aggressive (configurable) interval. Subsequent attempts back off in aggressiveness with the assumption that if the broker is not nearly immediate available that an issue might prevent a reconnect in the near-term but perhaps not in the longer-term.

This class is thread-safe.

Constructor Summary
ProgressiveReconnectionStrategy(long baseReconnectMillis, int progressiveFactor, int maxNumberOfReconnects)
          Create a new instance of this class.
Method Summary
 ReconnectionStrategy clone()
 void connectionEstablished()
          Called by an MqttClient instance when a connection to the broker is established.
 long connectionLost(MqttClient client, Throwable cause)
          Called by an MqttClient each time the connection to the broker is lost other than by an intentional disconnect.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ProgressiveReconnectionStrategy(long baseReconnectMillis,
                                       int progressiveFactor,
                                       int maxNumberOfReconnects)
Create a new instance of this class.

baseReconnectMillis - The base reconnect millis to start at. The first retry is attempted at this interval
progressiveFactor - The progressive factor. This defines how to increase the amount of time between reconnects. For example, if the base is 100 and this is 2 the reconnects will occur as such: 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, ...
maxNumberOfReconnects - The maximum number of reconnect attempts to make
Method Detail


public long connectionLost(MqttClient client,
                           Throwable cause)
Description copied from interface: ReconnectionStrategy
Called by an MqttClient each time the connection to the broker is lost other than by an intentional disconnect.

Specified by:
connectionLost in interface ReconnectionStrategy
cause - The exception that cause the connection to close or resulted from the connection closing. May be null.
Milliseconds the client should wait before trying to connect to the broker again. If <= 0 the client will stop trying to connect to the broker.
See Also:
ReconnectionStrategy.connectionLost(net.sf.xenqtt.client.MqttClient, java.lang.Throwable)


public void connectionEstablished()
Description copied from interface: ReconnectionStrategy
Called by an MqttClient instance when a connection to the broker is established.

Specified by:
connectionEstablished in interface ReconnectionStrategy
See Also:


public ReconnectionStrategy clone()
Specified by:
clone in interface ReconnectionStrategy
clone in class Object
A new instance of the same type as this object. This is used to create a new strategy for each client created by the MqttClientFactory.
See Also:
Object.clone(), ReconnectionStrategy.clone()

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