Package net.sf.xenqtt.client

Interface Summary
AsyncClientFactory Used to create multiple "sibling" async clients that share an Executor, broker URI, etc.
AsyncClientListener Implement this interface to use the AsyncMqttClient.
MqttClient A client to an MQTT broker.
MqttClientListener Implement this interface to use SyncMqttClient.
ReconnectionStrategy Implementations are strategies used by MqttClient implementation to reconnect to the broker if the connection is lost.
SyncClientFactory Used to create multiple "sibling" synchronous clients that share an Executor, broker URI, etc.

Class Summary
AsyncMqttClient An MqttClient that handles interactions with the MQTT broker in an asynchronous fashion.
FixedReconnectionStrategy A ReconnectStrategy implementation that attempts to reconnect a fixed intervals up to a maximum number of reconnection attempts.
MqttClientConfig Use this class to configure the MqttClient implementations and the MqttClientFactory.
MqttClientFactory Used to create multiple "sibling" clients that share an Executor, broker URI, etc.
NullReconnectStrategy Reconnect strategy that does 0 reconnect attempts.
ProgressiveReconnectionStrategy A ReconnectionStrategy implementation that allows for progressive reconnection attempts to the broker.
PublishMessage Message published either by the client to a topic or published to the client from subscribed topic.
Subscription An MQTT topic subscription
SyncMqttClient An MqttClient that interacts with an MQTT broker in a synchronous fashion.

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