Class Summary |
AbstractBlockingCommand<T> |
Implementation of BlockingCommand that provides a simple extension point for command implementations. |
ChannelManagerImpl |
Uses a single thread and non-blocking NIO to manage one or more MqttChannel s. |
ConnAckMessage |
The CONNACK message is the message sent by the server in response to a CONNECT request from a client. |
ConnectMessage |
The MQTT connect message. |
DisconnectMessage |
The DISCONNECT message is sent from the client to the server to indicate that it is about to close its TCP/IP connection. |
IdentifiableMqttMessage |
Adds the message ID property to MqttMessage . |
MqttBrokerChannel |
An MqttChannel to use for the client side of the connection. |
MqttClientChannel |
An MqttChannel to use for the client side of the connection. |
MqttMessage |
This is a generic MQTT message. |
PingReqMessage |
The PINGREQ message is an "are you alive?" message that is sent from a connected client to the server. |
PingRespMessage |
A PINGRESP message is the response sent by a server to a PINGREQ message and means "yes I am alive". |
PubAckMessage |
A PUBACK message is the response to a PUBLISH message with QoS level 1. |
PubCompMessage |
This message is either the response from the server to a PUBREL message from a publisher, or the response from a subscriber to a PUBREL message from the
server. |
PubMessage |
A PUBLISH message is sent by a client to a server for distribution to interested subscribers. |
PubRecMessage |
A PUBREC message is the response to a PUBLISH message with QoS level 2. |
PubRelMessage |
A PUBREL message is the response either from a publisher to a PUBREC message from the server, or from the server to a PUBREC message from a subscriber. |
SubAckMessage |
A SUBACK message is sent by the server to the client to confirm receipt of a SUBSCRIBE message. |
SubscribeMessage |
The SUBSCRIBE message allows a client to register an interest in one or more topic names with the server. |
UnsubAckMessage |
The UNSUBACK message is sent by the server to the client to confirm receipt of an UNSUBSCRIBE message. |
UnsubscribeMessage |
An UNSUBSCRIBE message is sent by the client to the server to unsubscribe from named topics. |