Uses of Class

Packages that use MqttTimeoutException

Uses of MqttTimeoutException in net.sf.xenqtt.client

Methods in net.sf.xenqtt.client that throw MqttTimeoutException
 void MqttClient.close()
          Closes this client without doing a clean disconnect.
 ConnectReturnCode MqttClient.connect(String clientId, boolean cleanSession, int keepAliveSeconds)
          Connects this client to the broker with no credentials and no Will Message.
 ConnectReturnCode MqttClient.connect(String clientId, boolean cleanSession, int keepAliveSeconds, String userName, String password)
          Connects this client to the broker with credentials but no Will Message.
 ConnectReturnCode MqttClient.connect(String clientId, boolean cleanSession, int keepAliveSeconds, String willTopic, String willMessage, QoS willQos, boolean willRetain)
          Connects this client to the broker with a Will Message but no credentials.
 ConnectReturnCode MqttClient.connect(String clientId, boolean cleanSession, int keepAliveSeconds, String userName, String password, String willTopic, String willMessage, QoS willQos, boolean willRetain)
          Connects this client to the broker with credentials and a WillMessage.
 void MqttClient.disconnect()
          Disconnects this client from the broker.
 void MqttClient.publish(PublishMessage message)
          Publishes a message.
 List<Subscription> MqttClient.subscribe(List<Subscription> subscriptions)
          Subscribes to topics.
 Subscription[] MqttClient.subscribe(Subscription[] subscriptions)
          Subscribes to topics.
 void MqttClient.unsubscribe(List<String> topics)
          Unsubscribes from topics.
 void MqttClient.unsubscribe(String[] topics)
          Unsubscribes from topics.

Uses of MqttTimeoutException in net.sf.xenqtt.message

Methods in net.sf.xenqtt.message that throw MqttTimeoutException
 T BlockingCommand.await(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
          Waits for the specified amount of time for the command to complete
 T AbstractBlockingCommand.await(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
 void ChannelManager.close(MqttChannelRef channel)
          Closes the specified channel.
 void ChannelManager.close(MqttChannelRef channel, Throwable cause)
          Closes the specified channel and sends cause to the MessageHandler.channelClosed(MqttChannel, Throwable) callback.
 MqttChannelRef ChannelManager.newBrokerChannel(SocketChannel socketChannel, MessageHandler messageHandler)
          Create a new broker side MqttChannelRef for use in exchanging data using the MQTT protocol.
 MqttChannelRef ChannelManager.newClientChannel(String host, int port, MessageHandler messageHandler)
          Create a new client side MqttChannelRef for use in exchanging data using the MQTT protocol.
 MqttChannelRef ChannelManager.newClientChannel(String brokerUri, MessageHandler messageHandler)
          Create a new client side MqttChannelRef for use in exchanging data using the MQTT protocol.
 MqttChannelRef ChannelManager.newClientChannel(URI brokerUri, MessageHandler messageHandler)
          Create a new client side MqttChannelRef for use in exchanging data using the MQTT protocol.
<T extends MqttMessage>
ChannelManager.send(MqttChannelRef channel, MqttMessage message)
          Send a message over a specified channel.

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