Uses of Class

Packages that use MqttMessage

Uses of MqttMessage in net.sf.xenqtt.message

Subclasses of MqttMessage in net.sf.xenqtt.message
 class ConnAckMessage
          The CONNACK message is the message sent by the server in response to a CONNECT request from a client.
 class ConnectMessage
          The MQTT connect message.
 class DisconnectMessage
          The DISCONNECT message is sent from the client to the server to indicate that it is about to close its TCP/IP connection.
 class IdentifiableMqttMessage
          Adds the message ID property to MqttMessage.
 class PingReqMessage
          The PINGREQ message is an "are you alive?" message that is sent from a connected client to the server.
 class PingRespMessage
          A PINGRESP message is the response sent by a server to a PINGREQ message and means "yes I am alive".
 class PubAckMessage
          A PUBACK message is the response to a PUBLISH message with QoS level 1.
 class PubCompMessage
          This message is either the response from the server to a PUBREL message from a publisher, or the response from a subscriber to a PUBREL message from the server.
 class PubMessage
          A PUBLISH message is sent by a client to a server for distribution to interested subscribers.
 class PubRecMessage
          A PUBREC message is the response to a PUBLISH message with QoS level 2.
 class PubRelMessage
          A PUBREL message is the response either from a publisher to a PUBREC message from the server, or from the server to a PUBREC message from a subscriber.
 class SubAckMessage
          A SUBACK message is sent by the server to the client to confirm receipt of a SUBSCRIBE message.
 class SubscribeMessage
          The SUBSCRIBE message allows a client to register an interest in one or more topic names with the server.
 class UnsubAckMessage
          The UNSUBACK message is sent by the server to the client to confirm receipt of an UNSUBSCRIBE message.
 class UnsubscribeMessage
          An UNSUBSCRIBE message is sent by the client to the server to unsubscribe from named topics.

Methods in net.sf.xenqtt.message with type parameters of type MqttMessage
<T extends MqttMessage>
ChannelManagerImpl.send(MqttChannelRef channel, MqttMessage message)
<T extends MqttMessage>
ChannelManager.send(MqttChannelRef channel, MqttMessage message)
          Send a message over a specified channel.

Methods in net.sf.xenqtt.message that return types with arguments of type MqttMessage
 List<MqttMessage> MqttChannel.getUnsentMessages()
 List<MqttMessage> ChannelManagerImpl.getUnsentMessages(MqttChannelRef channel)
 List<MqttMessage> ChannelManager.getUnsentMessages(MqttChannelRef channel)

Methods in net.sf.xenqtt.message with parameters of type MqttMessage
<T extends MqttMessage>
ChannelManagerImpl.send(MqttChannelRef channel, MqttMessage message)
<T extends MqttMessage>
ChannelManager.send(MqttChannelRef channel, MqttMessage message)
          Send a message over a specified channel.
 boolean MqttChannel.send(MqttMessage message, BlockingCommand<MqttMessage> blockingCommand)
          Sends the specified message asynchronously.

Method parameters in net.sf.xenqtt.message with type arguments of type MqttMessage
 boolean MqttChannel.send(MqttMessage message, BlockingCommand<MqttMessage> blockingCommand)
          Sends the specified message asynchronously.

Constructors in net.sf.xenqtt.message with parameters of type MqttMessage
MqttMessage(MqttMessage copyFrom)
          Creates a copy of the copyFrom message.

Uses of MqttMessage in net.sf.xenqtt.mockbroker

Methods in net.sf.xenqtt.mockbroker with type parameters of type MqttMessage
<T extends MqttMessage>

Methods in net.sf.xenqtt.mockbroker with parameters of type MqttMessage
 void Client.send(MqttMessage message)
          Sends the message to this client
 void BrokerEvent.send(MqttMessage message)
          Sends the message to the client associated with this event
 void MockBrokerHandler.unexpectedMessage(Client client, MqttMessage message)
          Called when an unexpected message is received.

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