Uses of Class

Packages that use MqttException

Uses of MqttException in net.sf.xenqtt

Subclasses of MqttException in net.sf.xenqtt
 class MqttCommandCancelledException
          Thrown when a BlockingCommand is cancelled.
 class MqttInterruptedException
          This is a wrapper for InterruptedException.
 class MqttInvalidTopicNameException
          Thrown when an invalid topic name is used
 class MqttQosNotGrantedException
          Thrown by synchronous MqttClient.subscribe(java.util.List) and MqttClient.subscribe(Subscription[]) methods when the QoS granted for a subscription request does not match the QoS requested.
 class MqttTimeoutException
          Thrown when a timeout occurs in xenqtt.

Uses of MqttException in net.sf.xenqtt.message

Methods in net.sf.xenqtt.message that throw MqttException
 T BlockingCommand.await()
          Waits indefinitely for the command to complete.
 T BlockingCommand.await(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
          Waits for the specified amount of time for the command to complete

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