Uses of Interface

Packages that use MqttClient

Uses of MqttClient in net.sf.xenqtt.client

Classes in net.sf.xenqtt.client that implement MqttClient
 class AsyncMqttClient
          An MqttClient that handles interactions with the MQTT broker in an asynchronous fashion.
 class SyncMqttClient
          An MqttClient that interacts with an MQTT broker in a synchronous fashion.

Methods in net.sf.xenqtt.client that return MqttClient
 MqttClient MqttClientFactory.newAsyncClient(AsyncClientListener asyncClientListener)
 MqttClient AsyncClientFactory.newAsyncClient(AsyncClientListener asyncClientListener)
          Creates an asynchronous client.
 MqttClient SyncClientFactory.newSynchronousClient(MqttClientListener mqttClientListener)
          Creates a synchronous client.
 MqttClient MqttClientFactory.newSynchronousClient(MqttClientListener mqttClientListener)

Methods in net.sf.xenqtt.client with parameters of type MqttClient
 void AsyncClientListener.connected(MqttClient client, ConnectReturnCode returnCode)
          Called after the client has received a connect acknowledgment from the broker.
 long ReconnectionStrategy.connectionLost(MqttClient client, Throwable cause)
          Called by an MqttClient each time the connection to the broker is lost other than by an intentional disconnect.
 long ProgressiveReconnectionStrategy.connectionLost(MqttClient client, Throwable cause)
 long NullReconnectStrategy.connectionLost(MqttClient client, Throwable cause)
 long FixedReconnectionStrategy.connectionLost(MqttClient client, Throwable cause)
 void MqttClientListener.disconnected(MqttClient client, Throwable cause, boolean reconnecting)
          Called when the connection to the broker is lost either unintentionally or because the client requested the disconnect.
 void AsyncClientListener.published(MqttClient client, PublishMessage message)
          Called when the protocol to send a client publish message to the broker is complete.
 void MqttClientListener.publishReceived(MqttClient client, PublishMessage message)
          Called when a published message is received from the broker.
 void AsyncClientListener.subscribed(MqttClient client, Subscription[] requestedSubscriptions, Subscription[] grantedSubscriptions, boolean requestsGranted)
          Called when the client receives a subscribe acknowledgment from the broker.
 void AsyncClientListener.unsubscribed(MqttClient client, String[] topics)
          Called when an unsubscribe acknowledgment is received from the broker.

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