Uses of Class

Packages that use MqttClientConfig

Uses of MqttClientConfig in net.sf.xenqtt.client

Methods in net.sf.xenqtt.client that return MqttClientConfig
 MqttClientConfig MqttClientConfig.clone()
 MqttClientConfig MqttClientConfig.setBlockingTimeoutSeconds(int blockingTimeoutSeconds)
 MqttClientConfig MqttClientConfig.setConnectTimeoutSeconds(int connectTimeoutSeconds)
 MqttClientConfig MqttClientConfig.setKeepAliveSeconds(int keepAliveSeconds)
 MqttClientConfig MqttClientConfig.setMessageResendIntervalSeconds(int messageResendIntervalSeconds)
 MqttClientConfig MqttClientConfig.setReconnectionStrategy(ReconnectionStrategy reconnectionStrategy)

Constructors in net.sf.xenqtt.client with parameters of type MqttClientConfig
AsyncMqttClient(String brokerUri, AsyncClientListener listener, Executor executor, MqttClientConfig config)
          Constructs an instance of this class using a user provided Executor with a custom config.
AsyncMqttClient(String brokerUri, AsyncClientListener listener, int messageHandlerThreadPoolSize, MqttClientConfig config)
          Constructs an instance of this class using an Executor owned by this class with a custom config.
MqttClientFactory(String brokerUri, Executor executor, boolean synchronous, MqttClientConfig config)
          Constructs an object to create synchronous or asynchronous clients using a user provided Executor with a custom config.
MqttClientFactory(String brokerUri, int messageHandlerThreadPoolSize, boolean synchronous, MqttClientConfig config)
          Constructs an object to create synchronous or asynchronous clients using an Executor owned by this class with a custom config.
SyncMqttClient(String brokerUri, MqttClientListener listener, Executor executor, MqttClientConfig config)
          Constructs an instance of this class using a user provided Executor with a custom config.
SyncMqttClient(String brokerUri, MqttClientListener listener, int messageHandlerThreadPoolSize, MqttClientConfig config)
          Constructs an instance of this class using an Executor owned by this class with a custom config.

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