Uses of Class

Packages that use QoS

Uses of QoS in net.sf.xenqtt.client

Methods in net.sf.xenqtt.client that return QoS
 QoS Subscription.getQos()
 QoS PublishMessage.getQoS()

Methods in net.sf.xenqtt.client with parameters of type QoS
 ConnectReturnCode MqttClient.connect(String clientId, boolean cleanSession, String willTopic, String willMessage, QoS willQos, boolean willRetain)
          Connects this client to the broker with a Will Message but no credentials.
 ConnectReturnCode MqttClient.connect(String clientId, boolean cleanSession, String userName, String password, String willTopic, String willMessage, QoS willQos, boolean willRetain)
          Connects this client to the broker with credentials and a WillMessage.

Constructors in net.sf.xenqtt.client with parameters of type QoS
PublishMessage(String topicName, QoS qos, byte[] payload)
          Creates a binary message with retain set to false.
PublishMessage(String topicName, QoS qos, byte[] payload, boolean retain)
          Creates a binary message.
PublishMessage(String topicName, QoS qos, String payload)
          Creates a message with a string as the payload with retain set to false.
PublishMessage(String topicName, QoS qos, String payload, boolean retain)
          Creates a message with a string as the payload.
Subscription(String topic, QoS qos)

Uses of QoS in net.sf.xenqtt.message

Methods in net.sf.xenqtt.message that return QoS
 QoS[] SubAckMessage.getGrantedQoses()
          Granted QoS levels.
 QoS MqttMessage.getQoS()
          The level of assurance for delivery of an IdentifiableMqttMessage.
 QoS[] SubscribeMessage.getRequestedQoSes()
          The requested QoS's for the topics subscribed to.
 QoS ConnectMessage.getWillQoS()
static QoS QoS.lookup(int value)
static QoS QoS.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static QoS[] QoS.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Constructors in net.sf.xenqtt.message with parameters of type QoS
ConnectMessage(String clientId, boolean cleanSession, int keepAliveSeconds, String willTopic, String willMessage, QoS willQos, boolean willRetain)
          Create an instance with no credentials and a will message.
ConnectMessage(String clientId, boolean cleanSession, int keepAliveSeconds, String userName, String password, String willTopic, String willMessage, QoS willQos, boolean willRetain)
          Create an instance with credentials and a will message.
IdentifiableMqttMessage(MessageType messageType, boolean duplicate, QoS qos, boolean retain, int remainingLength)
PubMessage(QoS qos, boolean retain, String topicName, int messageId, byte[] payload)
          Used to construct a message for sending
SubAckMessage(int messageId, QoS[] grantedQoses)
          Used to construct a message for sending
SubscribeMessage(int messageId, String[] topics, QoS[] requestedQoses)
          Used to construct a message for sending

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