Interface MqttClientDebugListener

public interface MqttClientDebugListener

Allows you to see low level events from within an MqttClient. This has a performance impact and should only be used for debugging purposes. The same executor service that calls the AsyncClientListener and MqttClientListener methods is used to invoke the methods in implementations of this interface.

Method Summary
 void connectionClosed(MqttClient client, String localAddress, String remoteAddress)
          Called when a connection is closed.
 void connectionOpened(MqttClient client, String localAddress, String remoteAddress)
          Called when a connection is established.
 void messageReceived(MqttClient client, String localAddress, String remoteAddress, MqttMessage message)
          Called when a message is received
 void messageSent(MqttClient client, String localAddress, String remoteAddress, MqttMessage message)
          Called when a message is sent

Method Detail


void connectionOpened(MqttClient client,
                      String localAddress,
                      String remoteAddress)
Called when a connection is established. Established in this case means the socket connection was established.

client - The client that owns the connection that opened
localAddress - Local address of the MQTT connection
remoteAddress - Remote address of the MQTT connection


void connectionClosed(MqttClient client,
                      String localAddress,
                      String remoteAddress)
Called when a connection is closed. Closed in this case means the socket connection was closed.

client - The client that owns the connection that closed
localAddress - Local address of the MQTT connection
remoteAddress - Remote address of the MQTT connection


void messageReceived(MqttClient client,
                     String localAddress,
                     String remoteAddress,
                     MqttMessage message)
Called when a message is received

client - The client that received the message
localAddress - Local address of the MQTT connection
remoteAddress - Remote address of the MQTT connection
message - The message that was received


void messageSent(MqttClient client,
                 String localAddress,
                 String remoteAddress,
                 MqttMessage message)
Called when a message is sent

client - The client that sent the message
localAddress - Local address of the MQTT connection
remoteAddress - Remote address of the MQTT connection
message - The message that was sent

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