Class DisconnectMessage

  extended by net.sf.xenqtt.message.MqttMessage
      extended by net.sf.xenqtt.message.DisconnectMessage

public final class DisconnectMessage
extends MqttMessage

The DISCONNECT message is sent from the client to the server to indicate that it is about to close its TCP/IP connection. This allows for a clean disconnection, rather than just dropping the line.

If the client had connected with the clean session flag set, then all previously maintained information about the client will be discarded.

A server should not rely on the client to close the TCP/IP connection after receiving a DISCONNECT.

Constructor Summary
          Used to construct a message for sending
DisconnectMessage(ByteBuffer buffer, long receivedTimestamp)
          Used to construct a received message.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class net.sf.xenqtt.message.MqttMessage
byteBufferToHex, bytesToHex, equals, getMessageType, getQoS, getQoSLevel, getReceivedTimestamp, getRemainingLength, isAck, isAckable, isDuplicate, isRetain, setDuplicateFlag, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DisconnectMessage(ByteBuffer buffer,
                         long receivedTimestamp)
Used to construct a received message.


public DisconnectMessage()
Used to construct a message for sending

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