Class PubRelMessage

  extended by net.sf.xenqtt.message.MqttMessage
      extended by net.sf.xenqtt.message.IdentifiableMqttMessage
          extended by net.sf.xenqtt.message.PubRelMessage

public final class PubRelMessage
extends IdentifiableMqttMessage

A PUBREL message is the response either from a publisher to a PUBREC message from the server, or from the server to a PUBREC message from a subscriber. It is the third message in the QoS 2 protocol flow.

Constructor Summary
PubRelMessage(ByteBuffer buffer, long receivedTimestamp)
          Used to construct a received message.
PubRelMessage(int messageId)
          Used to construct a message for sending
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class net.sf.xenqtt.message.IdentifiableMqttMessage
getMessageId, setMessageId
Methods inherited from class net.sf.xenqtt.message.MqttMessage
byteBufferToHex, bytesToHex, equals, getMessageType, getQoS, getQoSLevel, getReceivedTimestamp, getRemainingLength, isAck, isAckable, isDuplicate, isRetain, setDuplicateFlag, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PubRelMessage(ByteBuffer buffer,
                     long receivedTimestamp)
Used to construct a received message.


public PubRelMessage(int messageId)
Used to construct a message for sending

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