Package net.sf.xenqtt

Class Summary
AppContext Contains the application context for a Xenqtt application
ConfigurableThreadFactory A ThreadFactory implementation that allows for configurable threads to be produced.
Log Provides disparate logging methods for use within xenqtt.
LoggingLevels Exposes the disparate log levels that are currently enabled for Xenqtt.
SimpleBroker Simple broker implementation.
Xenqtt The entry point into the application when either the proxy or the gateway are run.
XenqttBootstrap This is the entry point for xenqtt console apps.
XenqttUtil Provides disparate utility methods useful across the Xenqtt application ecosystem.

Exception Summary
MqttCommandCancelledException Thrown when a BlockingCommand is cancelled.
MqttException General mqtt exception used by this library.
MqttInterruptedException This is a wrapper for InterruptedException.
MqttInvalidTopicNameException Thrown when an invalid topic name is used
MqttInvocationException Thrown when an Exception occurs during the processing of a command.
MqttQosNotGrantedException Thrown by synchronous MqttClient.subscribe(java.util.List) and MqttClient.subscribe(Subscription[]) methods when the QoS granted for a subscription request does not match the QoS requested.
MqttTimeoutException Thrown when a timeout occurs in xenqtt.
MqttTooManyMessagesInFlightException Thrown when an AsyncMqttClient tries to send a message when MqttClientConfig.getMaxInFlightMessages() messages are already in-flight.

Error Summary
MqttInvocationError Thrown when an Error occurs during the processing of a command.

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