Packages that use MqttInvocationError | |
net.sf.xenqtt.client | |
net.sf.xenqtt.message |
Uses of MqttInvocationError in net.sf.xenqtt.client |
Methods in net.sf.xenqtt.client that throw MqttInvocationError | |
void |
Closes this client without doing a clean disconnect. |
ConnectReturnCode |
MqttClient.connect(String clientId,
boolean cleanSession)
Connects this client to the broker with no credentials and no Will Message. |
ConnectReturnCode |
MqttClient.connect(String clientId,
boolean cleanSession,
String userName,
String password)
Connects this client to the broker with credentials but no Will Message. |
ConnectReturnCode |
MqttClient.connect(String clientId,
boolean cleanSession,
String willTopic,
String willMessage,
QoS willQos,
boolean willRetain)
Connects this client to the broker with a Will Message but no credentials. |
ConnectReturnCode |
MqttClient.connect(String clientId,
boolean cleanSession,
String userName,
String password,
String willTopic,
String willMessage,
QoS willQos,
boolean willRetain)
Connects this client to the broker with credentials and a WillMessage. |
void |
Disconnects this client from the broker. |
void |
MqttClient.publish(PublishMessage message)
Publishes a message . |
List<Subscription> |
MqttClient.subscribe(List<Subscription> subscriptions)
Subscribes to topics. |
Subscription[] |
MqttClient.subscribe(Subscription[] subscriptions)
Subscribes to topics. |
void |
MqttClient.unsubscribe(List<String> topics)
Unsubscribes from topics. |
void |
MqttClient.unsubscribe(String[] topics)
Unsubscribes from topics. |
Uses of MqttInvocationError in net.sf.xenqtt.message |
Methods in net.sf.xenqtt.message that throw MqttInvocationError | ||
void |
ChannelManagerImpl.attachChannel(MqttChannelRef channel,
MessageHandler messageHandler)
void |
ChannelManager.attachChannel(MqttChannelRef channel,
MessageHandler messageHandler)
Attaches the specified channel to this manager's control. |
T |
Waits indefinitely for the command to complete. |
T |
BlockingCommand.await(long timeout,
TimeUnit unit)
Waits for the specified amount of time for the command to complete |
void |
ChannelManager.cancelBlockingCommands(MqttChannelRef channel)
Cancels all blocking commands for the specified channel. |
void |
ChannelManager.close(MqttChannelRef channel)
Closes the specified channel. |
void |
ChannelManager.close(MqttChannelRef channel,
Throwable cause)
Closes the specified channel and sends cause to the MessageHandler.channelClosed(MqttChannel, Throwable) callback. |
void |
ChannelManagerImpl.detachChannel(MqttChannelRef channel)
void |
ChannelManager.detachChannel(MqttChannelRef channel)
Detaches the specified channel from this manager's control. |
List<MqttMessage> |
ChannelManager.getUnsentMessages(MqttChannelRef channel)
MqttChannelRef |
ChannelManager.newBrokerChannel(SocketChannel socketChannel,
MessageHandler messageHandler)
Create a new broker side MqttChannelRef for use in exchanging data using the MQTT protocol. |
MqttChannelRef |
ChannelManager.newClientChannel(String host,
int port,
MessageHandler messageHandler)
Create a new client side MqttChannelRef for use in exchanging data using the MQTT protocol. |
MqttChannelRef |
ChannelManager.newClientChannel(String brokerUri,
MessageHandler messageHandler)
Create a new client side MqttChannelRef for use in exchanging data using the MQTT protocol. |
MqttChannelRef |
ChannelManager.newClientChannel(URI brokerUri,
MessageHandler messageHandler)
Create a new client side MqttChannelRef for use in exchanging data using the MQTT protocol. |
ChannelManager.send(MqttChannelRef channel,
MqttMessage message)
Send a message over a specified channel . |
void |
ChannelManager.transfer(MqttChannelRef oldChannel,
MqttChannelRef newChannel)
Transfers unsent messages from oldChannel to newChannel and changes oldChannel such that any messages sent to it will actually go to newChannel. |