Welcome to XenQTT

Update: We've moved! We are now hosted on GitHub. You can find us at https://github.com/Jorgamundus/xenqtt

XenQTT is an MQTT support library and application suite that offers clients powerful and innovative features for working in an MQTT-enabled ecosystem. These features help to address certain gaps and needs that have come up within this relatively new and increasingly popular communication protocol. XenQTT provides the following:

  • A Java MQTT client API that can be used both synchronously and asynchronously
  • A clustering proxy that allows a cluster of clients to act as a single MQTT client transparently
  • A mock MQTT broker that is useful for testing and debugging
  • An HTTP to MQTT gateway (PENDING)

This website provides a detailed overview of XenQTT, information on how to download and use the library in your projects, example code, and other related resources. We encourage you to browse around!

For those eager to get started here and now the links below provide access to important resources related to XenQTT, MQTT, and other related resources.